Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Baby Belly - 36 weeks!! & UPDATES!

- He is HEAD DOWN!!!! Not breech anymore! Which is awesome, and I totally can tell you the exact date he flipped and dropped too because it was exactly when I thought - after a full day of shooting, and my tummy hasnt been the same ever since!
- He looks awesome, we had the sono and Linda thinks he is around 7 pounds right now..between 6lbs 10oz and 7lbs 1oz. which is right on track - not huge not tiny!
- He has a head full of hair - so much to the point we got pics of it at his sonogram! You could see it moving in the fluid!! it was AWESOME!!!
- As far as my Previa, I no longer have Previa! My Placenta is still VERY low, but its NOT covering my cervix opening at all....however, its only 1 centimeter away from it, sooooo as far as a c-section goes its really up in the air. I very well could have one at this point! She said if I have ANY bleeding during labor they will do a Section ASAP...I would guess my water breaking would be a big "signal" or just bleeding thru contractions? She will keep me up to speed - but it was fabulous news to hear its FINALLY MOVED UP SOME!!! SO there is a small chance of no c-section!
- We will induce me 1 week early if I dont go into labor on my own - they only will induce 2 weeks early (like with Luke) IF I have an Amnio and I refuse to do that. SO April 19th is a monday and the latest I would be induced!
- OH and since I have been having a million contrations, we checked me and I havent started ANY signs of labor, so that means Im safe to keep doing what Im doing! I'll just have to deal with the contractions because they arent causing me pre-term labor so its nothing to worry about! YAY!
He has cubby cheeks too and just looked amazing. I cant wait to meet him! Since I know Im not progressing yet Im gonna book some more sessions - that way I can stay busy as long as possible, and we will just take it one day at a time! Overall it was a WONDERFUL appointment. Matthew is doing great, Im doing great -just 3 more weeks now!!!!!
HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥Shell
Jeremiah, Jacob & Lukers!

Baby Shower #2

I take a pic of each person's gifts for the baby books - I did it for the boys, its really nice for my blonde brain when I forget who gave me what and what blanket is from who!!!!
Jeremiah & baby Jeremiah

Monday, March 29, 2010
Updates from the past week!
Hey everyone!
- I have been a slacker on here! Let's see here the past week - Luke is less than TWO WEEKS away from finishing up 1st great - which is like totally awesome, He should be all done before Matthew comes, hurray!!! Jeremiah, not so much - but he needs less help from ME, so easier for momma ;) Havng one done will be a dream by the time the little man comes!
- We have an "unspoken" prayer request as well! Just something that popped up this past month that could be a very good thing IF the Lord wants it to happen - and if He doesn't then so be it - He knows best!!! Just pray to *our* end that we make the right choices and such :)
- Jeremiah has a bussy spending the night last night and is here today - they have been Super good, so Im glad he is having fun! We took some pics of them Im sure he will want me to share later :)
- I have a sonograpm and Dr appointment this morning to check the babys size, my Previa and his position - I'll report back with any news I get!
- Church threw me a baby shower Sunday afternoon! It was loads of funa nd I got all sorts of super cute baby stuff! I'll be posting pictures of that too. I need to get making the Collages for his " before you were born" book/album too!
I think that's all for now! I'll have info and pictures to come this week!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
35 week belly!!

Anywho - the BIG sonogram is Monday the 29th! We check his size, my placenta, and if he is still breech and then make some choices....SO exciting!!! He can come anytime after Sunday, I'll be 36 weeks and I know he will be perfect so BRING IT!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Jeremiah & Lukers - March 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010
♥ Maternity Pics ♥ (round 1)

This is Jeremiah, Luke's and My hand ♥ Sweet boys.

I'll share more later after my Rosie takes some for me, too...I want to make a little album. I wasnt *going* too, but since I literally have NO pics of my belly with Miah or Luke except dressed and ready for the hospital I thought I better take advantage of the belly and make a sweet little book this time around ♥
Sunday, March 14, 2010
What's left: Matthew
We are doing pretty good, just a few more things to do or get done or buy...
Buy & hang shelves for his room above the changing table
Hang diaper stacker
MJB letters (have to make and hang them, I didn't like the previous ones I bought)
garbage can
extra crib sheets
Baby monitor
radio fan for noise noise machine
hooks for his room (idea in mind)
glider OR rocking chair pads & ottoman
Baby Toys...we have none
Baby bathtub
baby wipes
See, thats pretty good...5 weeks at best to get it all finished up and we are 100% ready!!!
♥ Shell
Sick Morning/Afternoon
Throw in Daylight savings time and losing an hour of sleep, we need some recovery time to heal!!! Im hoping the extra sleep this monring and afternoon will do the trick so we can leave tonight and head into church for evening service.
Anywho, that's our little Sunday sick time update...next up, Matthew stuff!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
33 weeks! ( and 2 days, whooops)

I should have worn a tank-top so you can see it better but e=given the fact I'm 2 days behind I didnt want to waste more time changing clothes!
I'll have to take some new pics of his room soon, its getting packed with stuff since my shower Saturday!!! I need some shelves!!!
Baby Shower!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
32 weeks!