I took some very boring snaps of the snow this morning when I woke up - I should have grabbed one of the good cameras but it's cold & I'm pregnant and wanted to shoot "auto" so my brain didn't have to work, LOL!!! ...you can say it - I'm a lazy bum! Anyway, at least you can see some of the snow we got! The snow on the truck is deceiving because Jeremy didn't get home until after 4am and I took these at 9, so thats just what happened between 4-9 I guess!!
We have about 8 inches I would guess?! It's hard to tell because of the wind!
yay! GO GO GO!! :) i have all the collages for b done (65 8x10s w/ 10 pics each lol!) i was going to cut them all out and sort of scrap them in his baby book i got for a gift when he was born {yikes that seems overwhelming to me now}. for family books i am so doing this!