Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!!!!


We had a pretty laid back day - as you can see I didn't take many snapshots at all, LOL!! I surprised the boys and we went with Aunt Jessica & Uncle Curt to see the Chipmunks movie! It was really cute! This is a pic of them before we left - they still thought we were just going to walmart, haha so they weren;t so thrilled!!! That changed ina nano second once I told them, LOL!

Then we came home and they played in the snow a little (like 10 minutes) and decided it was TOO cold (duh) and played thier DS's instead, LOL - wise choice boys!

Then, Jeremy called and got to come home a couple hours before we were expecting him so I started cooking yummy NYE food! We made these " Party Pizza's" because for whatever reason, Jeremy and I have made these EVERY single year that we have know each other so it just wouldnt be NYE without them! ...the flash didnt make them look to yummy - but trust me, they were VERY yummy!

As I was cooking - my girlfriend called and was in LABOR!!!! She got to the hospital "complete" for goodness sake and her water hadn't even broke yet!!! She had baby Jeremiah at 7:59pm via emergency c-section!! It was a VERY exciting night to end 2009!! SOOOOO of course we want to say CONGRATS to Ryan, Rosie, Caleb & Benjamin - we know Baby Jeremiah will be WELL loved!!! ♥ Love you guys!!! I cant wait to meet him today!!!
On a side note - Luke is a sickie - sore throat and cough :( He's usually my Crazy go-go-go man like his momma so its not been so fun for him. Monday night he also burnt his tummy on hot speghetti - its healing but looks yucky and he was really sore!! SO he's just had a rough week!! Please keep him in your prayers!!
Happy 2010 you guys!!!

1 comment:

  1. OH MY i JUST saw this and it made me CRY! thank you my friend for being there so much for me - even though he came too fast lol! lil' stinker huh!? :) oh well you get to spend lots of time with him :) thank you again i love you so much!! xoxoxo (and so does Jeremiah!) :))
