We woke up the next morning to find out Midnight wasnt the case, and they really had no timeline. So we went shopping, had some lunch, went to a movie...got back to the house to check around 7:45pm....everyone on our road had power, everyone BUT US!! ...Um maaaaybe Im a little pregnant and a LOT hormonal, but it mad me burst into tears...I called poor jeremy then my poor dad and told dad I was half tempted to run up the street and ask the men in the Ameren Trucks to come look at the house wires because I couldnt get Ameren on the phone except for a auto-response! So dad said, you should do that! SO, I did, haha! I had the boys jump in the van, I drive up to this big group of men and asked ( um, I begged) for one of them to give me any advise or help since we were the only ones on the whole street with no power! One of the men was wonderful and offered to follow me home and check things out just in case it was something they could fix!!! YAY!!! ....within 5 minutes of him being here, the lights popped on!
The nice gentleman said he didnt have a chance to DO anything, just look but he was glad it was back for us!! I hugged him - he had to think I was the craziest pregnant woman he has EVER met, and I dont care!!!!
SOOOO needless to say, I think I was slightly emotional that Jeremy wasnt there and all the way in Texas and I couldnt even sleep in my own house :( Thank the Lord for the nice Ameren man who humored me and at least made an attempt to help!!!!!! I ♥ him!!!
ANYWAY - Friday was supposed to be my painting day for Matthew's room, but since I didnt get too, it will be this evening! The boys and I got all of our shopping done, and they each got a new game ( they paid for 80% of them, such good boys) so now I can spend the evening painting and we will have some Walmart deli pizza later ;) I took a few pics of Matthew's room now - its been a catch-all for a few months. Thats why there are 2 TV's and a girlie bench in there, haha...I promise a newborn will NOT have a TV and I will NOT keep the girlie bench in there for him *giggle*

Everything is about to match those beauuuutiful frames you see in pic #2 and #3! Due to the lack of a full day, he wont have his crib this weekend, and a few other crafts I had prepared, but I'll just have to be okay with it - nothing much I can do when I had no power for 50 hours straight!!
New pics soon to come!
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