Sunday, January 31, 2010
Matthew's Room: Part 2!
Okay, Jeremy got motivated and put up the crib and then opened up the new stroller & carseat too! SO I took pics, LOL
This is the lamp/shelf we bought! Very small room so we needed a place for some things and some soft light too, so volia - Target to the rescue!

28 Weeks!
Ok folks, here I am at 28 weeks!!!

Luke actually reminded me this week as SOON as we got in the house! I'm thankful because I would have forgotten! He is so cute!

Luke actually reminded me this week as SOON as we got in the house! I'm thankful because I would have forgotten! He is so cute!
He he for sure lower than he was, it feels weird!! Like I have to hold him in, haha!! We did some baby Shopping on Saturday and we got his car seat and stroller, AND I found a CUTE Black and green diaper bag too!! I'll take pics later this week. We also found a cute lamp/shelf at Target for his room ANNND we went to dads and picked up the crib that he's been storing since Lukers came along!!!
We got a mattress on the way home from church, and the outlet covers for his room so this week his room is going to come together a little and hopefully by next weekend we will have the changing table (or dresser - havent decided) too!!! YAY!!!
IT will actually look like a bedroom in just a few days!! hurrray!! I think nesting has set in because I have been in panic mode that we dont have important items...so next on the MUST GET SOON list is the changing table, and swing!
I'll have an update tomorrow when I get home from the Dr and have new pics of the little stud muffin!!!
Byes! xoxo ~Shell
Monday, January 25, 2010
Matthew Moment!
Okay I have to write this down so I dont forget!
This morning I was laying in bed on my side, and apparently a little TOO much onto my tummy because Matthew started kicking, kicking, kicking - over and over and over like a crazy ninja!! Too the point in made me laugh out loud in my bed - so I rolled over and he calmed right down!!!
Sooooooo, I'm thinking I was squishing the little man and he was just letting me know I needed to move, no matter how comfy I thought I was! *giggle*
It was adorable, I wanted to write it down for his baby book before I forgot!!!
This morning I was laying in bed on my side, and apparently a little TOO much onto my tummy because Matthew started kicking, kicking, kicking - over and over and over like a crazy ninja!! Too the point in made me laugh out loud in my bed - so I rolled over and he calmed right down!!!
Sooooooo, I'm thinking I was squishing the little man and he was just letting me know I needed to move, no matter how comfy I thought I was! *giggle*
It was adorable, I wanted to write it down for his baby book before I forgot!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
27 Weeks!
Matthew's Room: After, part 1!
Saturday, January 23, 2010

It needs another coat, but I ran out of paint ANY energy. My back is killing me. SO Monday I'll have to finish up.
Im so excited to have it underway!!!
Matthew's Room: Before
Well just an update for us before the pictures! Wednesday night the power went off at 5:51pm and we didnt get power back again until Friday at 8:09pm!!! It stunk, to say the least. Wednesday night when we called they said it would be back on by 2:45am, so we just lit some candles and everyone stayed in our room - not to bad but the power never came back on! We called Thursday and they said by Midnight it would be back on. Well, Jeremy had to leave for Texas Thursday night so we weren't able to get anything done like we had planned and since Jeremy wasnt going to be home, the boys and I headed to Jess's house to spend the night!
We woke up the next morning to find out Midnight wasnt the case, and they really had no timeline. So we went shopping, had some lunch, went to a movie...got back to the house to check around 7:45pm....everyone on our road had power, everyone BUT US!! ...Um maaaaybe Im a little pregnant and a LOT hormonal, but it mad me burst into tears...I called poor jeremy then my poor dad and told dad I was half tempted to run up the street and ask the men in the Ameren Trucks to come look at the house wires because I couldnt get Ameren on the phone except for a auto-response! So dad said, you should do that! SO, I did, haha! I had the boys jump in the van, I drive up to this big group of men and asked ( um, I begged) for one of them to give me any advise or help since we were the only ones on the whole street with no power! One of the men was wonderful and offered to follow me home and check things out just in case it was something they could fix!!! YAY!!! ....within 5 minutes of him being here, the lights popped on!
The nice gentleman said he didnt have a chance to DO anything, just look but he was glad it was back for us!! I hugged him - he had to think I was the craziest pregnant woman he has EVER met, and I dont care!!!!
SOOOO needless to say, I think I was slightly emotional that Jeremy wasnt there and all the way in Texas and I couldnt even sleep in my own house :( Thank the Lord for the nice Ameren man who humored me and at least made an attempt to help!!!!!! I ♥ him!!!
ANYWAY - Friday was supposed to be my painting day for Matthew's room, but since I didnt get too, it will be this evening! The boys and I got all of our shopping done, and they each got a new game ( they paid for 80% of them, such good boys) so now I can spend the evening painting and we will have some Walmart deli pizza later ;) I took a few pics of Matthew's room now - its been a catch-all for a few months. Thats why there are 2 TV's and a girlie bench in there, haha...I promise a newborn will NOT have a TV and I will NOT keep the girlie bench in there for him *giggle*

Everything is about to match those beauuuutiful frames you see in pic #2 and #3! Due to the lack of a full day, he wont have his crib this weekend, and a few other crafts I had prepared, but I'll just have to be okay with it - nothing much I can do when I had no power for 50 hours straight!!
We woke up the next morning to find out Midnight wasnt the case, and they really had no timeline. So we went shopping, had some lunch, went to a movie...got back to the house to check around 7:45pm....everyone on our road had power, everyone BUT US!! ...Um maaaaybe Im a little pregnant and a LOT hormonal, but it mad me burst into tears...I called poor jeremy then my poor dad and told dad I was half tempted to run up the street and ask the men in the Ameren Trucks to come look at the house wires because I couldnt get Ameren on the phone except for a auto-response! So dad said, you should do that! SO, I did, haha! I had the boys jump in the van, I drive up to this big group of men and asked ( um, I begged) for one of them to give me any advise or help since we were the only ones on the whole street with no power! One of the men was wonderful and offered to follow me home and check things out just in case it was something they could fix!!! YAY!!! ....within 5 minutes of him being here, the lights popped on!
The nice gentleman said he didnt have a chance to DO anything, just look but he was glad it was back for us!! I hugged him - he had to think I was the craziest pregnant woman he has EVER met, and I dont care!!!!
SOOOO needless to say, I think I was slightly emotional that Jeremy wasnt there and all the way in Texas and I couldnt even sleep in my own house :( Thank the Lord for the nice Ameren man who humored me and at least made an attempt to help!!!!!! I ♥ him!!!
ANYWAY - Friday was supposed to be my painting day for Matthew's room, but since I didnt get too, it will be this evening! The boys and I got all of our shopping done, and they each got a new game ( they paid for 80% of them, such good boys) so now I can spend the evening painting and we will have some Walmart deli pizza later ;) I took a few pics of Matthew's room now - its been a catch-all for a few months. Thats why there are 2 TV's and a girlie bench in there, haha...I promise a newborn will NOT have a TV and I will NOT keep the girlie bench in there for him *giggle*

Everything is about to match those beauuuutiful frames you see in pic #2 and #3! Due to the lack of a full day, he wont have his crib this weekend, and a few other crafts I had prepared, but I'll just have to be okay with it - nothing much I can do when I had no power for 50 hours straight!!
New pics soon to come!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Matthew Joshua's FRAMES!!!
I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I ordered these before Christmas, knowing his room colors - and today they arrived JUST at the perfect time! Jeremy is going to Texas for the weekend and I get to decorate Matthew's room - now I can get the paint and hang his frames as well!!! WAHOOOOO!!!

Monday, January 18, 2010
26 weeks!
So I'm pretty sure my tummy "popped" more this week!!! That shirt fit me last week, HAHA!!! I just got it for Christmas! ...Granted its not a maternity top so the length is for a normal tummy - but, still!!
Baby Matthew Joshua is SO VERY STRONG! Friday/Saturday night he was SO active kicking he kept me up until 5am - so I'm quite sure he was growing in there. ...I find myself laughing at what I can and can't do. When I'm at the studio and shooting I forget I'm pregnant and I try to do my normal poses and positions to get the angles I want and I'm having to be much more creative to get the job done when my tummy muscles start giving out, haha!!! It really does make me laugh at myself!
Also this week I totally had a "idiot moment" and twisted my ankle. I was sitting at my desk and had one leg/foot up on the chair for a while, well, then I had to get up and didnt realize I had NO feeling or control over my own foot becuase it had fallen asleep and stood on it sideways while falling into the wall. Yeah, it was pathetic. Never done that before!! It hurt, I'm not gonna lie! My ankle swelled up for 2 days because of that one!!! It's better now - still sore, but much better. I learned my lesson, HA!!
Those were my exciting pregnant events of the week ;) I will have a sonogram on Monday, Feb 1st so I'll have extra goodies to show you with my update that week!! I'm pretty confident he will look great as active has he has been - we are just praying really hard my placenta has moved up and out of the way!!
Have a good day everyone :) ♥Shell

Also this week I totally had a "idiot moment" and twisted my ankle. I was sitting at my desk and had one leg/foot up on the chair for a while, well, then I had to get up and didnt realize I had NO feeling or control over my own foot becuase it had fallen asleep and stood on it sideways while falling into the wall. Yeah, it was pathetic. Never done that before!! It hurt, I'm not gonna lie! My ankle swelled up for 2 days because of that one!!! It's better now - still sore, but much better. I learned my lesson, HA!!
Those were my exciting pregnant events of the week ;) I will have a sonogram on Monday, Feb 1st so I'll have extra goodies to show you with my update that week!! I'm pretty confident he will look great as active has he has been - we are just praying really hard my placenta has moved up and out of the way!!
Have a good day everyone :) ♥Shell
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Snow fun!
Monday, January 11, 2010
25 weeks!

The update says he's about 13.5 inches long, 2 1/2 pounds and the size of an eggplant! I can believe it!
His bassinet did come this week! Jeremy put it together for me, I'll take picture sof it soon to show you all, its SOOOOO cute! I just love it! I finally got him *some* clothes (really great deals at Baby Depot & Kohls!)- It's going to be very weird having a spring baby since I have only ever had winter babies! Everything I am buying in newborn and 0-3 and 3-6 is all spring & summer items and that seems SO weird as Jeremiah and Luke were thier tiniest in the winter months!! It will be GREAT for birthday parties though!! HURRAY!!!
I even found him a "baby's first Christmas" bib and a little Halloween bib too *giggle* I can't believe he will be here for all of our holidays this year!
That's my update this week for week 25!! Less than 100 days left now until baby Matthew Joshua arrives!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!!
♥ Shell
Friday, January 8, 2010
Last day off!
Today is my LAST day off!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!! I decided to use it to work on a couple albums! I have 2 books I need to fill up, and Im WAY WAY WAY behind, so I got a jump start today! As you can seeee I have pics from 2007 and 2008 I needed to print! Some I have big, but not small and in a book!! Well by the time I get done I'll have 80 pages total - whew, its a project! I got 30 done today though! WAHOO!

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow - Jan 6-7, 2010!

I took some very boring snaps of the snow this morning when I woke up - I should have grabbed one of the good cameras but it's cold & I'm pregnant and wanted to shoot "auto" so my brain didn't have to work, LOL!!! ...you can say it - I'm a lazy bum! Anyway, at least you can see some of the snow we got! The snow on the truck is deceiving because Jeremy didn't get home until after 4am and I took these at 9, so thats just what happened between 4-9 I guess!!
We have about 8 inches I would guess?! It's hard to tell because of the wind!
UPS Rocks!!!!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Josh & Jeremy!
24 week check-up!
Hey guys!
Just a couple updates! I had my 24 week appointment today - it was quick & easy! Everything is great, Matthew's heart rate was 150 today - which it has been 160 and up, so that was new! - but he's been a squirmy little wiggle worm ALL day so that makes me happy!
I go back again Feb 1st for another sonogram and my sugar test (oh joy) BUT Jessica is coming with me, so wahoo!! I think I'll bring my camera, I shoudl ask if I can bring video to the sono? Im a weirdy but that would be fun!
I was shopping online looking for a custom pillow for his room and look at the cute stuff I found!!! You can get them in your Colors so I a pretty sure Im gonna order him some goodies in black/white/green for his room! I LOVE the blanket SO much - those green dots are adorable and if the brown was changed to black it would be perfect!! I can just see "MJ" And then Matthew Joshua under it...soooooooooooooo CUTE!!
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=35185992 <---Pillow!
http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37195917 <--- ADORABLE blanket!
Just a couple updates! I had my 24 week appointment today - it was quick & easy! Everything is great, Matthew's heart rate was 150 today - which it has been 160 and up, so that was new! - but he's been a squirmy little wiggle worm ALL day so that makes me happy!
I go back again Feb 1st for another sonogram and my sugar test (oh joy) BUT Jessica is coming with me, so wahoo!! I think I'll bring my camera, I shoudl ask if I can bring video to the sono? Im a weirdy but that would be fun!
I was shopping online looking for a custom pillow for his room and look at the cute stuff I found!!! You can get them in your Colors so I a pretty sure Im gonna order him some goodies in black/white/green for his room! I LOVE the blanket SO much - those green dots are adorable and if the brown was changed to black it would be perfect!! I can just see "MJ" And then Matthew Joshua under it...soooooooooooooo CUTE!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010
Baby Bump - 24 weeks!

My weekly ticker says Matthew is around 13.5 inches long and 1.5 pounds! He's a growin'!!!!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy 2010!!!!
We had a pretty laid back day - as you can see I didn't take many snapshots at all, LOL!! I surprised the boys and we went with Aunt Jessica & Uncle Curt to see the Chipmunks movie! It was really cute! This is a pic of them before we left - they still thought we were just going to walmart, haha so they weren;t so thrilled!!! That changed ina nano second once I told them, LOL!
Then we came home and they played in the snow a little (like 10 minutes) and decided it was TOO cold (duh) and played thier DS's instead, LOL - wise choice boys!
Then, Jeremy called and got to come home a couple hours before we were expecting him so I started cooking yummy NYE food! We made these " Party Pizza's" because for whatever reason, Jeremy and I have made these EVERY single year that we have know each other so it just wouldnt be NYE without them! ...the flash didnt make them look to yummy - but trust me, they were VERY yummy!

As I was cooking - my girlfriend called and was in LABOR!!!! She got to the hospital "complete" for goodness sake and her water hadn't even broke yet!!! She had baby Jeremiah at 7:59pm via emergency c-section!! It was a VERY exciting night to end 2009!! SOOOOO of course we want to say CONGRATS to Ryan, Rosie, Caleb & Benjamin - we know Baby Jeremiah will be WELL loved!!! ♥ Love you guys!!! I cant wait to meet him today!!!
We had a pretty laid back day - as you can see I didn't take many snapshots at all, LOL!! I surprised the boys and we went with Aunt Jessica & Uncle Curt to see the Chipmunks movie! It was really cute! This is a pic of them before we left - they still thought we were just going to walmart, haha so they weren;t so thrilled!!! That changed ina nano second once I told them, LOL!

As I was cooking - my girlfriend called and was in LABOR!!!! She got to the hospital "complete" for goodness sake and her water hadn't even broke yet!!! She had baby Jeremiah at 7:59pm via emergency c-section!! It was a VERY exciting night to end 2009!! SOOOOO of course we want to say CONGRATS to Ryan, Rosie, Caleb & Benjamin - we know Baby Jeremiah will be WELL loved!!! ♥ Love you guys!!! I cant wait to meet him today!!!
On a side note - Luke is a sickie - sore throat and cough :( He's usually my Crazy go-go-go man like his momma so its not been so fun for him. Monday night he also burnt his tummy on hot speghetti - its healing but looks yucky and he was really sore!! SO he's just had a rough week!! Please keep him in your prayers!!
Happy 2010 you guys!!!
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