This week his Diaper stacker should come, and Valance. Hopefully this coming weekend we can hang up frames and the shelf I painted. We just ran out of time this weekend!! Plus I need to find Baskets for his Changing table.
We are still trying to decide if we should get a glider rocker. By the time we buy a cushion for the rocking chiar and a foot stool, it's going to be almost as much as a glider - so we are torn. I can always use the rocker at the new studio...we just don't know yet!
This past weekend we had friends over and they brought us a TON of baby clothes so this week I'm going to wash it and go thru it all and see what exactly we have in 0-12 months and where we need to fill in the gaps! The baby Shower is March 6th ( at 3:00pm at the new studio!!) so I need to know before then!! Luckily, I have a slow work week this week (only, lol) soooo I have some time to do it!! SCORE! lol! ...plus we have about 6 inches of snow, with more coming tonight so It's not like I want to leave the house in this mess!!
On a NON-BABY note? The boys and I made homemade pizza's last friday and we had so much fun ( we each made our own) and they were so yummy! BUT we forgot to take pics until after they were already cooking, so we decided one day this week we would do it again. This time we will take pics of the fun...Luke made his like "cheese breadstick pizza" haha...it was pretty cute. I'm sure all post more goodies this week since I have some free time!!!
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