This time last week when I had updated the blog, we were going to visit grandma again. Tuesday she went home to be with the Lord. It's been a rough week. Her arrangements were Friday and Saturday.
Grandma would have loved her funeral and been proud. Her preacher, her *kind of service* and celebrating that she is home and in a better place with her savior. ...Grandma's service was what she would have wanted and would have made her smile that beautiful smile :)
When it's my funeral I dont want the type of service thats what the "people in the room want to hear" I want it to be what GOD wants preacher to say and what I know the bible teaches!!! It's as simple as that!! I will make it a point to let eeeeevryone know that as well - IF I have the chance to!! ;) ...If I'm the one who is the REASON for the service it should be that way, and not some "religious tradition" or what people *want to hear*... I dont have a religion, I have a SAVIOR. Thier is a HUGE, major difference. I want the hows, the when's the why's and the Focus on the Lord, plain and simple!!! ♥ ...not a ceremony of fluff ;)
Grandma knew it and I know it - and we shall meet again one day!!!!!!
I just had to get that out!! ;)
AMEN Miss Shellie!!!! xoxoxoxox Ro :)