Thursday, February 25, 2010
Jeremiah is TEN!!
*sigh* my first baby boy is 10 today!!!! I had to post some old pics of him, look how little he was! His 1st halloween he was only 7 months old, so this was really his 2nd Halloween, but still - look how little he was even then!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
31 weeks belly!

Here is the belly at 31 weeks! Matthew has been pretty active this week, somedays calm, some days crazy! I think he's just running out of room, so it just depends on how Im sitting/standing now. He likes me to stand up ;)
We ordered his swing this past weekend, I hope its as awesome as we think its going to be, it swings, cradles AND has a detachable seat! That means I dont have to buy a bouncy seat! SCORE! ...We shall see ;)
I was making a list of all the things we will need and really we just need a playard, and a highchair...but both things we wont need until he is older so I feel so accomplished!! All we need now is the little things (diapers, formula, bottles, wipes, clothes, all those everyday goodies) and we are totally ready for Mr Matthew!!!
I also got a COOL inside tip to check out diapers.com ...so I'll be checking them out. I'm all about the deals, so that was cool to hear! we get 10% off at Walmart so we have to make sure its as good of a deal as we get...but Im all for finding out!!!!
The baby shower is less than 2 weeks away, Im so excited to see everyone and just have fun and talk about happy stuff ONLY for a few hours!!!!!!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
♥ Grandma & Grandpa ♥

This time last week when I had updated the blog, we were going to visit grandma again. Tuesday she went home to be with the Lord. It's been a rough week. Her arrangements were Friday and Saturday.
Grandma would have loved her funeral and been proud. Her preacher, her *kind of service* and celebrating that she is home and in a better place with her savior. ...Grandma's service was what she would have wanted and would have made her smile that beautiful smile :)
When it's my funeral I dont want the type of service thats what the "people in the room want to hear" I want it to be what GOD wants preacher to say and what I know the bible teaches!!! It's as simple as that!! I will make it a point to let eeeeevryone know that as well - IF I have the chance to!! ;) ...If I'm the one who is the REASON for the service it should be that way, and not some "religious tradition" or what people *want to hear*... I dont have a religion, I have a SAVIOR. Thier is a HUGE, major difference. I want the hows, the when's the why's and the Focus on the Lord, plain and simple!!! ♥ ...not a ceremony of fluff ;)
Grandma knew it and I know it - and we shall meet again one day!!!!!!
I just had to get that out!! ;)
Monday, February 15, 2010
30 weeks!

I go to the Dr again in just a little bit, I go every 2 weeks now since Im getting closer to the end! Nothing exciting Im sure, but i'll keep you posted.
Please pray for Grandma. We are going to see her again today, hopefully after my appointments.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Newborn Hats & booties!
I bought these for the sheer purpose of taking his newborn pics in them - so I know he will grow out of them in like 2.5 seconds, but THINK if the pictures with his cute little bare tushy and just these?!?!?!!? Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I can't wait!!!
And a blue set...

Super-duper CUTE!!! ...he has a green one coming too, no booties tho. Hey, after he grows out of them in 2.5 seconds, I can use them at the studio - so it's okay!!!! LOL!

Super-duper CUTE!!! ...he has a green one coming too, no booties tho. Hey, after he grows out of them in 2.5 seconds, I can use them at the studio - so it's okay!!!! LOL!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
More goodies!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Baby Clothes!

It will be so weird to wash/fold/hang baby clothes today!!!!!
MJ's room: Part #4!
I took these last night with our little red camera just because I was so excited the Changing table is here!!! The covers for teh pad came too - they are great!!! Nothing like the ones at Target and Walmart they are really thick and nice.

They other cover I got was the white with Black dots - its super cute too but I loved the stripes!!!

This week his Diaper stacker should come, and Valance. Hopefully this coming weekend we can hang up frames and the shelf I painted. We just ran out of time this weekend!! Plus I need to find Baskets for his Changing table.

This week his Diaper stacker should come, and Valance. Hopefully this coming weekend we can hang up frames and the shelf I painted. We just ran out of time this weekend!! Plus I need to find Baskets for his Changing table.
We are still trying to decide if we should get a glider rocker. By the time we buy a cushion for the rocking chiar and a foot stool, it's going to be almost as much as a glider - so we are torn. I can always use the rocker at the new studio...we just don't know yet!
This past weekend we had friends over and they brought us a TON of baby clothes so this week I'm going to wash it and go thru it all and see what exactly we have in 0-12 months and where we need to fill in the gaps! The baby Shower is March 6th ( at 3:00pm at the new studio!!) so I need to know before then!! Luckily, I have a slow work week this week (only, lol) soooo I have some time to do it!! SCORE! lol! ...plus we have about 6 inches of snow, with more coming tonight so It's not like I want to leave the house in this mess!!
On a NON-BABY note? The boys and I made homemade pizza's last friday and we had so much fun ( we each made our own) and they were so yummy! BUT we forgot to take pics until after they were already cooking, so we decided one day this week we would do it again. This time we will take pics of the fun...Luke made his like "cheese breadstick pizza" haha...it was pretty cute. I'm sure all post more goodies this week since I have some free time!!!
Changing Table came!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
29 weeks belly!!!

Today Matthew was awake and moving ALL DAY LONG from 8am until 10pm with only 3 20-30 minute little "calm breaks" literally the rest of the day he was Punching kicking rolling - a SPAZE!!! ...I dont know whatthe deal is,but he was wide awake and not willing to rest much!
I'm curious how he will be tomorrow. He's been calm about 25 minutes now, so hopefully he's resting for a few hours, haha
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
More Matthew stuff :)
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