Thursday, May 27, 2010


We got a Jungle slip-n-slide this year!!! All sorts of fun!!! My sweet boys!
Water guns too, of course!

And Matthew was there, in Spirit, LOL! ...Only lasted about 20 minutes and then he woke up, but hey at least I got pics!


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

5 weeks 3 days!

After church tonight!

5weeks, 3 days!

Friday, May 21, 2010

this week, more!

This is Luke's chip. He said its a Key Chain Chip because there is a hole in it and he wanted to keep it, LOL!
Holding MJ

I need to video him talking to MJ! Its so adorable!! He talks in a baby voice and always says " Awwwwwwwwe Matthew, are you looking at me? You are so cute Matthew." *giggle* Its the cutest

Matthew in his crib the first time! I had to fold his laundry so I set him in there - he actually did well, he didnt fuss like I thought he would!

This past week!

Matthew is 4 weeks old!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! here are some snappy snaps - nothing major, just cuteness

Sleeping on mommy's bed
Mommy's bed again ...he uses daddy's side of the bed until he gets home from work, hehe

I love these froggie jammies!

Cuddling with Jeremiah so tight!!! SO CUTE!
sweetie face

more in another post soon!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Luke lost tooth #2!!!!

So Luke has had this tooth thats needed to come out for months! Well I told him that if he let daddy help him get it out, I would give him 5 dollars I had in my wallet! LOL!! So he agreed - daddy put some Oragel on there and then pulled it - Luke was brave! It was a weird tooth and had a long root for a baby tooth - if it didnt come out we knew the Dentist would be pulling it out soon, so a 5 dollar pay-off was the cheap way to get it out, HAHA! *wink*

Well, then he also got 5 MORE bucks from the very rich tooth-fairy! Hello, this kid is going to want to lose teeth everyday for this kind of cash, HAHA!! And FYI, I was not awaaaaaaaaare that Mr. Tooth fairy was going to leave so much - I thought he was leaving $1. (Someone needs to have a chat with that dude)

BUT we made a Collage of Luke's first tooth and so he asked if I could please make him one that said "2nd" tooth for this one too, and I of course said yes to that! So here is his new "2nd tooth" Collage to go with his 1st tooth collage :) OH by the way, we noticed in his baby book this particular tooth was the first first one to grow in when he was a baby so we left a note wth it and asked if we could please keep it for his baby book ;)

Matthew - 1 month old

My little squishy, loungin' on daddy & momma's bed this afternoon ♥

Can you believe he is 1 month old already?!?!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Matthew 3 weeks old!

FAVE one first ♥

He's so pretty

My Squishy

Um, I have a *few* pics of this boy...just a few ;)

Okay - thats enough - everything else you guys will just have to come over and see once I print them all because between my cameras, the point & shoot camera and the video camera we preeeeeeeeetty much have every moment of his little life captured!!! LOL!!!!
...We dont want to miss a moment!!!!!

2 weeks old!