Saturday, July 31, 2010

Death grip...but sweet as can be!!!

Matthew's new seat

So Matthew loves that thing!!! Silly baby!!! Also this past week he rolled over for the first time from tummy to back!! He is sitting up SO STRONG now On his tummy and head control, so I'm gonna try and take some pics of him at the studio after church, if not I'll just try some at home ♥ these were just past 3 months and 1 week old

Monday, July 26, 2010

More randomness...

Mr Matthew...trying out the Bumbo seat, he totally loves it, Im so glad!!

Just cause he's cute

My 3 loves

Biggest bro, littlest bro...they like to hang :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


My little over-acheived taking after his big bro and wanting to SIT already. It will be awhile but I'm thinking 5 months wont be an issue!!!

Little peanhut, 3 months & 3 days

Matthew one week old compared to 3 months - he's so grown now!!!

Matthew, 3 months old!!!

Daddy & Matthew

I had to get ready to go to the studio one day and I left Matthew on my side of the bed while I got ready? Um, I thought thy were pretty cute sleeping next to each other, hehehehe!!!

I FOUND the red camera!

Okay so I lost my little red camera since JUNE before Camp!!! Thats just sad!! Luke found it today...downstairs in the basement by the DVD's. Yeah, so *hidden* hahaha

Matthew feel asleep with his hands up, hahaha - cracked me up!!! (2months)
Luke likes to just hang out *near* mommy, so sometimes he just comes in the office and sits down to play. well one day I look over and here is my Luke, playing his DS...look at his legs crossed, bwhahaha - it cracked me up. I snapped a pic before he saw me grab the camera!

Lukey and Matthew, awwwwwe

Boys, the Sunday before Camp!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010